Lunch for today: Chef Salad, Crackers, Fruit, Milk
Please turn in your class registration forms with a parent signature as soon as possible.
Any students who are interested in doing credit recovery courses over the summer should see Mrs. Arnold. There is a fee for credit recovery classes.
Seniors will take pictures today in your cap and gown during enrichment.
Registration for YMCA Lifeguard Training at Twin Pikes Family YMCA is tomorrow. For more information, see the flyer in the office.
Teachers, remember tomorrow is the teacher appreciation luncheon in Mrs. Campbell’s room. Bring a side dish if you want.
All library books are due immediately. A fine of $10 per book will be assessed on Monday, May 18th.
The High School Sports and Academic Banquet is May 21st at 6:00 pm. You are to bring tableware and (2) covered dishes per family. There is a sign-up sheet for those planning to attend.
The Western IL Fair is seeking contestants for the 2015 Queen and Princess pageant. The queen contestants must be between the ages of 16-21 and the princess contestants must be 5-6 years of age. The queen will be awarded a $1,000.00 scholarship along with cash and prizes. Please contact Beth White at 217-370-3638 for more information.
Have a great day, and remember…today is a great day to be a WOLF!