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Immunization, Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations

All students are required to present appropriate proof of a health examination (Sports Physical not accepted) and the immunizations against, and screenings for, preventable communicable diseases within one year prior to:


  1. Entering kindergarten or the first grade
  2. Entering the sixth and ninth grades
  3. Enrolling in an Illinois school for the first time, regardless of the student’s grade


Proof of immunization against meningococcal disease is required for students in grades 6 and 12.  A diabetes screening must be included as part of the health exam (though diabetes testing is not required).  Students between the age of one and seven must provide a statement from a physician assuring that the student was “risk-assessed” or screened for lead poisoning. Beginning with the 2017-2018 school year, an age-appropriate developmental screening and an age-appropriate social and emotional screening are required parts of each health examination.


Failure to comply with the above requirements by October 15 of the current school year will result in the student’s exclusion from school until the required health forms are presented to the school, subject to certain exceptions. A student will not be excluded from school due to his or her parent/guardian’s failure to obtain a developmental screening or a social and emotional screening.


New students who register mid-term have 30 days following registration to comply with the health examination and immunization requirements.  If a medical reason prevents a student from receiving a required immunization by October 15, the student must present, by October 15, an immunization schedule and a statement of the medical reasons causing the delay.  The schedule and statement of medical reasons must be signed by an appropriate medical professional.


Eye Examination

All students entering kindergarten or the school for the first time must present proof by October 15 of the current school year of an eye examination performed within one year.  Failure to present proof by October 15, allows the school to hold the student’s report card until the student presents: (1) proof of a completed eye examination, or (2) that an eye examination will take place within 60 days after October 15.


Dental Examination

All students entering kindergarten, second, sixth and ninth grades must present proof by May 15 of the current school year of having been examined by a licensed dentist within the last 18 months.  Failure to present proof allows the school to hold the child’s report card until the student presents: (1) proof of a completed dental examination, or (2) that a dental examination will take place within 60 days after May 15.


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