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Human Resource forms

Following are forms for HR that employees may need to print and complete:


Accident Report Form (non-Worker's Comp), This form will be used to report an accident that is NOT Worker's Comp related.

Form 45 - Worker's comp employee's first report of injury, This form is to be completed by the employer with the employee for a Worker's Comp first report of injury.

Form 45A - Worker's comp injury description, This form is to be completed by the employee to identify and describe the injury from a drawing of the human body.

Form 45B - Worker's comp supervisor's investigation report, This form is to be completed by the employee's supervisor regarding the initial accident/injury.

Form 45C - Worker's comp employee's injury/accident form, This form is to be completed by the employee of the injury/accident.

Form 45D - Worker's comp witness report, This form is to be completed by a witness of the employee's injury/accident.

Form 45F - Worker's comp form medical release authorization, This form is to be completed by the employee giving medical release authorization of and ER/Doctor visits.

Form 5.41 - Worker's comp disability claim form, This packet is to be completed by the employer with the employee when a worker's comp claim exceeds 30 days or more.

Worker's comp handbook, This handbook is a general guide to rights and obligations of employees who experience a work-related injuries or disease.

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