Pleasant Hill Preschool for All Handbook
Pleasant Hill CUSD #3
Preschool for All
Family Handbook
Welcome to Pleasant Hill Elementary
Preschool for All!
This will be an exciting year for your child, and we know that your whole family will benefit from the experience. We encourage you to be involved. You are your child’s first and most important teacher!
In this Family Handbook, you will find explanations of many of our Preschool operating policies. Your classroom teacher will provide further information on matters that are specific to your school, such as drop off and pick up, contact information, a daily schedule and a list of items your child may need to bring. Please keep in close contact with your child’s teacher. This will make the year go more smoothly for everyone.
The philosophy behind our curriculum is that young children learn best by doing. Children need time to practice what they are learning, to ask questions, to investigate, and to use what they are learning in their everyday activities. In using real materials such as blocks and trying out their ideas, children learn about sizes, shapes, and colors, and they notice relationships between things.
We teach through a learning center approach in which the teachers prepare the opportunities in the classroom environment, so the children interact and play as they learn. The classroom activities are matched to your child’s development so that he or she is excited and eager to play and learn. With this philosophy in mind, the following objectives guide our program:
- To provide a warm, nurturing, comfortable environment; rich in materials and experiences that encourages the development of the whole child.
- To provide an environment that is age-appropriate which leads to successful experiences and allows children to develop a healthy self-concept and a positive self-esteem.
- To offer an environment that recognizes the uniqueness of each child and encourages children to develop their capabilities and interests at their own pace.
- To provide the environment that offers the child the opportunity to learn by doing and encourages the development of a lifetime of creative living and learning.
- To treat all children with dignity and respect. Every effort is made to be sensitive and responsive to the needs and interests of each child.
- To observe carefully and work with parents to provide the means to meet individual needs.
- To provide the highest quality of “educaring”. Therefore we:
- Provide a healthy and safe environment
- Provide a secure, comfortable, enjoyable and responsive environment
- Respect, accept and appreciate each child
- Provide learning opportunities designed to promote positive approaches to learning, emotional and social development, health and physical development, language development and communication and cognitive development.
- Maintain an environment free of racial or sex role bias, stereotype or prejudice
- Provide regular information to parents
- Encourage parent’s questions, opinions and involvement
Pleasant Hill Preschool for all uses several resources to plan the Preschool day. The first resource is Illinois Early Learning and Development Learning Standards.
The purpose of these standards are to:
- Create a foundational understanding for families and teachers of what children ages 3 through 5 are expected to know and do across multiple developmental domains
- Improve the quality of care and learning through more intentional and appropriate practices to support development from ages 3 through 5
- Provide support for a qualified workforce
- Enhance the state’s early childhood services by aligning preschool standards with existing guidelines or standards for younger and older children
- Serve as a resource for those involved in developing and implementing policies for children ages 3 through 5
The second resource is The Creative Curriculum. There are 5 components of this program's framework:
- How Children Develop and Learn
- The Learning Environment
- What Children Learn
- Caring and Teaching (The Teacher’s Role)
- Partnering with Families (The Family’s Role)
These 5 components are applied in these 9 interest areas: blocks, dramatic play, toys and games, art, library, sand and water, music movement, STEM, and outdoors.
Our staff identifies goals in all areas of development:
- Social: to help children feel comfortable in school, trust their new environment, make friends and feel they are a part of a group
- Emotional: to help children experience pride and self-confidence, develop independence and self-control and have a positive attitude toward life
- Cognitive: to help children become confident learners by letting them try out their own ideas and experience success and by helping them acquire learning skills such as the ability to solve problems, ask questions and use words to describe their ideas, observations and feelings
- Physical: to help children increase their large and small muscle skills and feel confident about what their bodies can do
The activities we plan for children, the way we organize the environment, select toys and materials, plan the daily schedule and talk with children are all designed to accomplish the goals of our curriculum and give your child a successful start in school.
Our curriculum works best when teachers and parents work together. Each of us has something valuable to contribute. We are trained in child development and early childhood education. We see how your child acts with other children and adults. We can assess what your child is learning and how he or she is progressing.
But only you have in-depth knowledge of your child. You know best your child’s interests, fears, joys, patterns, and past. This in-depth knowledge makes you central to your child’s learning process and a very valuable resource for us as teachers. If you share with us what is happening to your child at home - if they are on medication, the arrival of a new baby, the death of a pet, nightmares, temper tantrums, trips, separation or divorce - we can understand your child better. We can deal with both positive and difficult events through reassuring stories, soothing art activities, imaginative dramatic play, and extra love and attention.
We also see you as your child’s first and most important teacher. Your home is your child’s first and continual learning environment. You decide your family’s daily routines - when you get up, eat, play, do chores, visit friends, and go to bed. The way you talk with your children makes a tremendous difference in how they think, how they feel about themselves, and the kind of people they will become.
If we can work together - we can do some of the same things at school and at home - your child will be much better off. The more consistent we adults are, the more secure your child is likely to feel. And when children feel secure, they are more likely to explore, to experiment, and to learn.
Many parents have asked us what they can do to help their children succeed in school. We usually reply, “Just try to encourage your child to explore and learn in your home environment. Help your child become an independent, enthusiastic, curious learner.” You don’t need to buy a lot of special toys or equipment to turn your child into a creative thinker. The best thing you can do is to be a good listener and to talk with your child as you go about your normal, everyday household chores. Sometimes, after a long day at work, this may seem difficult. But you’ll find that this kind of attention has a wonderful effect on children and makes your job as a parent more fun and interesting - and sometimes easier.
Since we believe parents are the child’s first and best teachers, involvement with the family is central to the Pleasant Hill Preschool For All Program.
Components of family involvement include:
- Parent Responsibilities - In order for their child to attend our Preschool Program, parents are encouraged to attend the parenting events and family nights.
- Parenting Workshops - In order for us to keep our grant compliant, the state requires us to offer workshops to our families. These workshops will be held once a month in the evenings. Workshops provide fun activities for parents and Preschool students to do together.
- Parent/Teacher Conferences - During the year, there will be two Parent/Teacher Conferences at school.
- Field Trips – Depending on the year field trips may or may not be held for the Preschool class.
- In the case of BIG field trips where students would leave the town parents may be welcome to attend.
- Parents cannot accompany their child on the SMALL field trips. SMALL field trips are held during the regular school day and typically do not require leaving the town. These trips are designed for a deeper learning of a concept or topic that has been discussed in the classroom.
- Teacher Responsibilities - Teachers will send home periodic newsletters, notes, emails and call families on the phone to keep them updated.
The following will serve as a statement of your concern and interest in the family involvement opportunities available to you.
During this school year, I will do my best to:
- Display a positive attitude toward school and learning.
- Send my child to school well groomed, rested and ready to learn.
- See that my child is present for school every day except in case of illness or emergency.
- Keep immunizations/physicals up to date and handle any medical needs that arise including school notifications if my child is diagnosed with a contagious illness.
- Bring my child to school on time and pick him or her up on time.
- Call the school when my child is going to be absent
- Come to my child’s school for visits and lunch.
- Cooperate with my child’s teachers.
- Attend conferences requested by my child’s teacher and be available for contact on a regular basis with staff.
- Check my child’s book bag on a daily basis for home/school communication.
- Attend and participate in parent/child/staff events and workshops during the year.
- Participate with my child in at-home activities and read to him or her on a regular basis to promote literacy learning.
Pleasant Hill Preschool For All follows the Pleasant Hill CUSD #3 School Calendar which is attached at the end of this packet.
Attendance is extremely important! When students are absent, they miss out on the learning process. The progress of the student depends upon punctuality and regularity of school attendance.
When it is necessary for a student to be absent from school, a parent must call the Preschool office each day the child will be absent by 9 am. If your child is absent and no phone call is received at school, we will make a phone call to you that morning.
*If 10 consecutive absences occur without a doctor's note Preschool For All will consider it an automatic drop from the program. *
- Illness of a student
- Death of a family member or close friend
- Critical illness of a near relative (mother, father, brother, sister, grandparent)
- Dental or medical appointment when prior arrangements have been made
Do not send sick children to school! If a child gets sick at school, he or she will be isolated from other children until parents can be notified to pick the child up from school. If your child has these symptoms, they will be sent home:
- Vomiting
- Severe coughing and sinus drainage
- Eye infection
- Diarrhea
- Temperature of 100 degrees or more
Send the child back to school only if the child is symptom free and fever free for 24 hours and/or on medication for 24 hours. You must send a note for the nurse or administrator to administer medication to students at school. Please do not send medication to school in book bags. Parents need to bring it to school.
All communicable diseases should be reported to the school, even if students develop them over the weekend and are well enough to return to school by Monday. Illnesses that should be reported to the school include: chicken pox, impetigo, mononucleosis, lice, scabies and COVID.
Our Preschool class discipline is based on the belief that children learn self-discipline and behavior that will result in cooperation, sharing, following directions, listening and showing respect for themselves and others. The word “discipline” actually means “guidance”.
It is our responsibility as adults to help children learn this behavior. Teachers will work to arrange activities in an environment to help prevent discipline problems. We will praise, reward and encourage children, ignore minor misbehaviors and be consistent with our behavior management program.
Discipline will not be related to food, rest or bathroom privileges.
The Preschool staff will respond to discipline problems as follows:
- Provide the child with constructive alternatives to disruptive behavior (redirection)
- Temporarily isolate, within the classroom and within the sight of the teacher, the child who engages in destructive behavior or action potentially dangerous to self or others. (Provide calm area)
- Document discipline problems and action taken.
- Discuss repetitive behavior problems with the child’s parents.
- Request that the director contact parents if a child’s actions are repeatedly disruptive or dangerous to self or others.
Pleasant Hill CUSD #3 PFAE Policy on Expulsion and Suspension: in accordance with the guidelines set forth by Illinois State Board of Education, there will be no child dismissed from the program as “expelled” or “suspended”. Student behavior and misconduct will be handled on a case-by-case basis with input from, but not limited to: the student, family member(s), program input from staff, classroom teacher, special education teacher, Four Rivers Special Education District staff (including school psychologist) and/or district administration.
Trained school personnel are permitted by state law to administer prescription medications to your child. The medication must be brought to the school in the original prescription container. A completed medication permission form must be on file at the school. Over the counter non-prescription medications must follow the same procedure. Medication forms are available from your child’s teacher.
We expect your child to be potty-trained when they enter Preschool. If your child is not potty-trained, please call it to our attention. In case of accidents, the child will be changed at school with their extra set of clothes. These clothes should be replaced the next day. If there are no clothes at school, the parent will be called to bring a clean set of clothes to school. Please send your child to school in clothing they can pull up and down by themselves.
Book bags are essential for this program. They should be average in size, big enough to hold a regular folder. Please clearly mark your child’s bag with his/her first and last name. Please check their bag every day when they get home for messages and important school information, also take out the old papers so we know you have gotten the notes. If you have a note for his/her teacher or the office, send it in his/her book bag.
Children should come dressed for school in comfortable clothing suitable for play and the weather for that day. Outdoor play is part of the daily schedule. Sneakers are the most appropriate for school and allow for ample running, jumping and playing.
In the event of inclement weather or other reasons which should necessitate the dismissal of school, the decision to dismiss will be made as early as possible. Announcement of the dismissal will be made via email and on the district public announcement system.
You will be notified of any upcoming field trips in the classroom newsletter. Permission forms will also be sent home prior to any field trip. Without the signed permission form returned to school, the Preschool child will not be allowed to attend the trip. In extreme cases of misbehavior, your child might have forfeiture of a field trip or special event at school. Reasons of forfeiture might be:
- Disobedience of directives from staff members or school officials and/or rules and regulations governing student conduct
- Other such conduct that poses a danger to persons or property or disrupts the educational process. Examples would include leaving area or group, consistent and aggressive behavior.
The following forms need to be on file in the office by the first day of school:
- Copy of Birth Certificate
- Income Verification
- Proof Of Residency
- Student Registration and Emergency Information, Home Language Survey, and Race/Ethnicity Survey (Available through Teacher Ease Online Registration)
- Copy of Physical
- Copy of Immunization Record and Lead Screening
Pleasant Hill Preschool for All will provide daily breakfast and snacks for Morning class students and lunch and snacks for Afternoon students. Children are not required to eat breakfast or lunch at school. A cold lunch may be sent from home with milk available. Please keep in mind that soft drinks are not allowed. Pleasant Hill CUSD #3 is a Community Eligibility Provision School, so there are currently no fees for these meals.
Parents are encouraged to celebrate their child’s birthday by sending treats for the classroom. Feel free to drop by for your child’s birthday party. Your presence is always welcome.
We operate our preschool program in a manner which minimizes accidents and injuries to children and staff. In the event an accident or injury occurs, the staff will act immediately to administer emergency procedures and the injury will be recorded. Fire drills are held periodically. Evacuation routes are posted in each room. All emergency telephone numbers are posted and carried with a staff member during an evacuation. Tornado drills and safety drills for other weather emergencies are also practiced.
Preschool students need the following:
- Regular Sized Backpack
- Seasonably appropriate change of clothes (shirt, pants/shorts, underwear, outside shoes/socks)
- Family Photo
The Pleasant Hill Preschool for All Program is funded through the Illinois State Board of Education Early Childhood Block Grant. Supplies for the preschool classroom are purchased with grant funding; therefore, the following supply list is NOT REQUIRED, but they are welcome and helpful in the classroom.
- Dry Erase Markers
- Dry Erase Erasers
- Washable Markers
- Colored Pencils
- Crayons
- Elmer's Glue And/Or Glue Sticks
- Construction Paper
- 1-Inch Binder
- Copy Paper
- Paper Towels
- Clorox Wipes and/or Baby Wipes
We also accept any random art and craft supplies you are willing to send!
We have many wonderful toys and materials for your child to explore and play with at school. Please do not allow your child to bring toys from home. Occasionally, your child’s teacher may request that your child bring something for a particular theme.
Parents will be notified of their child’s bus schedule. The bus will pick your child up at your house unless other arrangements have been made (such as baby-sitter or daycare). Pickup or drop-off points must be consistent. If children are not to ride the bus on a certain day, a note or telephone call must be received. If no note or telephone call has been received 30 minutes before departure time, the child will be put on the bus.
If your child is in the afternoon class and does not typically ride the bus--in order for them to ride a call will have to be made to the office by 10 the day of.
Please have your child ready at least 10 minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive.
Parents (or a responsible adult) must be home when the child arrives and must meet the bus driver at the bus stop. If a parent or responsible adult is not waiting for the child, the driver will not let the child get off the bus; the child will ride the route with the bus driver and return back to the Elementary Office.
It is the policy of the school that parents cannot ride the bus with their child. Parents will be able to ride special field trip buses when they are serving as chaperone.
Parents who will be transporting their child to and from school should follow these guidelines:
Morning Class Students
- Students should not be dropped off until 7:45 am
- Students should be picked up by 11:05
Afternoon Class Students
- Students should not be dropped off until 11:35
- Students should be picked up by 2:50
Children will not be supervised before or after these times.
If you need to come into school, please check in at the office first. Under no circumstance will your child be sent to the parking lot to meet his/her ride.