Homeless Liaison Contact Information
Homeless Liaison Contact Information
Kylee Orr, Superintendent
Pleasant Hill CUSD #3
501 E. Quincy Street
Pleasant Hill, IL 62366
(217) 734-2311
If you and your children are in a temporary living situation, your children have the right to…
- Stay in the school of origin or choose the attendance area school where you are moving.
- Receive transportation to and from your school or origin.
- Immediately enroll in school, with or without school or health records.
- Get free lunch and school fee waivers.
You and your children are eligible for these rights if you…
- Share housing with others because of loss of housing, economic need or domestic violence.
- Live in a shelter or motel.
- Live in a campground, park, car, or abandoned building.
- Are without a permanent address.
Illinois Homeless Education Program Hotline 1-800-215-6379